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On-Demand Delivery: Tailored to Your Needs

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On-Demand Delivery: Tailored to Your Needs

DHL On Demand Delivery (ODD) gives shipment recipients a choice to decide when, where, and how their shipments should be delivered, so there will be no failed delivery attempts or misplaced deliveries, which are common causes of frustrations for both recipients and senders. 

ODD is accessible via the DHL Express Mobile app that is available on Android and iOS, but you, as a recipient, can also access the website via your web browsers from desktop or mobile. When the service becomes available in the shipping process, you will receive an SMS alert and an email notification with a link to the ODD website, from which you can choose the delivery option and make requests that suit your convenience most.

Delivery Options

ServicePoint or Locker

Collect your shipment from a DHL ServicePoint, Service Centre, Locker, or` sales partner. You will be shown a location map for places you can self-collect, and all you need to do is choose one that is the most convenient for you.

Leave at a safe place

If you would like to have a contactless delivery, you can authorise us to leave your shipment without a signature at a specific place (within your original delivery address) and date, e.g., “leave at the back door”, “do not expose to weather”.
Choosing this option will require you to call our Customer Service to verbally clarify and agree on the arrangement.

Change delivery date

Choose a different delivery date from a 7-day range following the earliest delivery window (which is your default delivery date).

Alternate address

Change your delivery location by giving us a different address within the same country.

Leave with a neighbour, concierge, or guard

Nominate a neighbour or another authorised party to receive the shipment on your behalf when you are not at home or live in a guarded community. You can provide up to 2 neighbours’ names and addresses.
Choosing this option will require you to call our Customer Service to verbally clarify and agree on the arrangement.

Vacation hold

Postpone delivery for up to 30 calendar days without extra storage charge. This option is ideal if your parcel is ready to be delivered when you are away for some time.

Do note that some options may not be available due to operational reasons, the shipper’s request, or when charges are owed. You can make up to 3 requests for a single shipment.

For an overview, this will be your delivery journey with ODD. It’s simple and seamless:

  1. We notify you by SMS and/or email
  2. You click the ODD link in the notification, which will direct you to the website
  3. You choose your delivery option and make the request for change
  4. We confirm your request by SMS and/or email notification
  5. We execute your request
  6. You receive the shipment the way you specified!

ODD is a free and innovative service designed by us to give you more flexibility and control so that your daily life is not constrained by having to wait passively for your deliveries when you should be doing something or being somewhere else. It makes the last-mile process more predictable and successful, which is all we want for your shipments!

You can set up your preferred delivery option for all your future shipments by being a Registered Receiver! To register yourself, click here. To learn how to register, click here.