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How DHL Express helped Zanerobe grow fast

5 min read
How DHL Express helped Zanerobe grow fast

Back in 2002, IT professionals and friends Leith estoni and Jonathon Yeo were sipping beers in a bar when they saw something that changed their lives forever.

“We saw some guys wearing some pretty average shirts,” says Leith, “we knew we could do better.” That was all it took to have the idea for ZANEROBE, now an established international men’s fashion brand.

“Our goal was to bring American-style sportswear to Australia. We just felt there was a hole in the market,” continues Leith.

A no-fuss approach leads to success

The two business partners realized they didn’t need much to get things started. “We needed fabric, we needed a design, we needed to print it. We just approached it that way.”

Their first commercial challenge was getting into Australia’s big department stores. With support from big national chains like David Jones, ZANEROBE established itself as a brand to be reckoned with in the men’s fashion space.

Breaking out of the domestic market

Between 2013 and 2014, ZANEROBE’s business went up a gear. Partly aided by its social media efforts and a fully featured e-commerce website, sales direct to consumer took off. That meant ZANEROBE needed a delivery partner for both domestic and international deliveries, which now included the USA, Canada, and Japan. Got your own menswear brand? Apply for a DHL Express account now.

For ZANEROBE, DHL Express is more than just a delivery company – it’s a business partner. ZANEROBE has been working with DHL Express Senior Account Executive, Ashleigh Nieuwenhuis, since 2011, “Ashleigh has brought a lot to our business in terms of industry best practices, and really pushed our business along.”

Delivery is part of the customer experience

ZANEROBE understands the link between third-party delivery and brand image. The final-mile delivery provider isn’t just handing over a parcel, it’s representing the supplier’s brand. That’s why DHL Express’s ability to provide accurate and up-to-the-minute tracking information is a big plus for quality-conscious businesses like ZANEROBE.

Leith’s tips for supercharging your start-up

With more than a hint of Australian have-a-go positivity, Leith’s advice to other startups is simple and inspiring. Watch the video now to find out more about ZANEROBE’s journey to success – and hear Leith’s business advice.

Find out how you can enlist DHL Express to take care of all your global shipping requirements.