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How to ship cactuses from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia with DHL Express

How to ship cactuses from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia with DHL Express

DHL Express Thailand has introduced Cactus Export Service to provide next-day delivery of delicate plants like cactuses from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia (Jakarta), Vietnam (Hanoi) and Cambodia to help local business owners meet growing overseas demand, with delivery in the next day (excluding inspection and customs clearance processing time).

DHL Express’ cross-border and customs expertise makes it easy for local sellers to export cactuses from Thailand to four destination countries in Southeast Asia.

Read on to learn how DHL Express ships cactuses to the four abovementioned countries.

Which plants can be shipped?

The approved plant commodities for export from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia include cactuses and foliage plants only. They must be non-potted plant, no soil and without temperature control. Refer to the approved plant commodities in English names below.

  • Cactus
  • Aglaonema, cv. Fransher or Aglaonema, cv. Silver queen
  • Aspidistra elatior
  • Chamaeodorea elegans / Chamaedorea elegans or Chamaeodorea seifrizii / Chamaedorea seifrizii
  • Chrysaliocarpus lutescens / Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
  • Codiaeum variegatum
  • Cordyline terminalis
  • Dieffenbachia picta
  • Dracaena deremensis
  • Dracaena fragrans
  • Dragon Tree or Dracaena marginata
  • Ficus bengamina / Ficus benjamina
  • Ficus nitia
  • Howeia forsteriana / Howea forsteriana
  • Peperomia bicolour
  • P. oxycardium (Philodendron oxycardium)
  • P. selloum (Philodendron selloum)
  • Phoenix roebelenii
  • Song of India (Pleomele reflexa) 
  • Rhapis excelsa
  • Scindapsus aureus
  • Shefflera arboricola / Schefflera arboricola
  • Spathiphyllum, Mauna Loa
  • Yucca elephantipes

To ship cactuses to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia with DHL Express, the Phytosanitary Certification and CITES* are required while Phytosanitary Certification is required for exporting foliage plants to the 4 destination countries with DHL Express. 

*(CITES: Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora). For further information, contact the Department of Agriculture.

Import requirements at the destination countries (Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia)

To ensure cactuses are shipped to the four destination countries smoothly, it is mandatory for consignees to prior contact the related plant departments/ ministries or agencies at destinations to acquire licenses, import permits or other legal documents in similar forms before shipping. The consignee is responsible to provide all additional required document by destination customs. Missing documents will delay the importation process.

The customs inspection at origin country and clearance at destination is uncontrollable. Therefore, it is mandatory for consignees to prepare all required documents ready and contact the related departments to prevent shipment delay. Below are the basic import requirements by each destination country.

1. Singapore

  • Customs require a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country  
  • This is subjected to CITES from origin (if in protected list CITES) and import permit (if any) issued by Nparks (The National Parks Board – a statutory board of the Government of Singapore).
  • Shipment will incur GST if shipment value above SGD$400.GST: 7% of CIF value. If consignee is company, Unique Entity No. (UEN) required.

2. Indonesia

  • Customs require a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country.
  • This is subjected to CITES from origin (if in protected list CITES).
  • Consignee in Indonesia must provide quarantine permit from Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Subjected to import duty & tax & VAT.

3. Vietnam

  • Customs require a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country.
  • This is subjected to CITES from origin (if in protected list CITES) and import license.
  • Before import, it is required consignee to check plant name and species with Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Subjected to import duty & tax & VAT.

4. Cambodia

  • Customs require a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country& CITES (if in list)
  • This is required licenses, import permits, or other legal documents in similar forms on import from competent ministries or agencies.
  • It should be imported under company that have permit/license from Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fishery.
  • Subjected to import duty & tax & VAT.

Packaging and labeling

The packaging type should be made of durable cardboard or corrugated fiberboard. Follow instructions about packaging and labeling below.

  • Remove soil from cactuses or the plants otherwise the shipments will be returned or disposed.
  • Keep the root a bit dry.
  • Wrap the root with moist paper towel.
  • Oasis foam and sack of water are not allowed.
  • Wrap the leaves with paper towel or newspaper before putting in the box
  • In case of using silica gel, the MSDS document is required.

For labeling, This Way Up label is required to attach at the side of the box. The This Way Up label must be in red printing on white background. Sizing should not be less than 74 mm in width and by 105 mm in height.

How to create booking for cactus export to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia through MyDHL+

1. Fill contents details as ‘Plants’ in the booking creation process

Once logging onto MyDHL+ , select shipment type as ‘Packages’ then select ‘Use My Own Invoice’. Select the purpose of your shipment and fill in details of the contents of your shipments as ‘Plants’. You should add the English plant names in the ‘Shipment References’, for example, Cactus or Peperomia bicolour. If you are uncertain about the name of the plants in English, scroll up to read the ‘Which plants can be shipped? Section.

2. Fill in details

You will need to schedule date and time of the shipment by picking the most preferred option for our DHL Express courier to pick up your plants. You may want to share as much information as possible. Also, the total pickup weight is required. Don’t forget to put ‘Plants’ in the ‘Instruction for the courier’. The rest of information you need to fill in are contact information such as email address, phone number, and addresses. All of these will appear in the waybill, including the details of contents and plant name.

3. Prepare your invoice

Specify the plant name and scientific name in English, quantity, unit price and currency and total amount. Refer to the example as below. 

Normal transit time is based on flight operational schedule but expect additional export delay of 1-2 days for an inspection. Note that clearance at destination countries is uncontrollable. In case of damage at the appearance of product/ package, claims cannot be initiated. In case of loss, claims/ liability are under DHL Terms and Conditions.

Checklist for cactus export from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia with DHL Express

  • Aside from cactuses that could be shipped from Thailand to the 4 destination countries, check if your plants are allowed to be exported by reading in the ‘Which plants can be shipped?’ Section.
  • Ensure to remove soil from plants before packing and no temperature control or else shipment will be returned or disposed.
  • The service of cactus and foliage export is only available from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia.
  • Get the Phytosanitary Certificate and CITES (if applicable) ready.
  • It is mandatory for consignee/ receiver to prior contact related plant department at destination country to get the required documents before shipping. The consignee/ receiver is responsible for providing all additional required document accordingly to the request of Customs at destination countries.
  • Ensure to pack cactus or foliage plants in cardboard or corrugated fiberboard boxes.
  • Book shipment with DHL Express at MyDHL+. Put ‘Plants’ in the shipment details and put the name of plants in English in the Summary of the Content section. Also, put ‘Plants’ in the ‘Schedule Pick up, in the ‘Add shipment references’.
  • Require This Way Up label in color printing with minimum sizing of 74 mm width and 105 mm height.
  • Require paperless registration with Customs and DHL and require complete export customs formalities.
  • Require This Way Up label in color printing with minimum sizing of 74 mm width and 105 mm height.
  • Require paperless registration with Customs and DHL and require complete export customs formalities.

If you own a cactus nursery or foliage plant garden and looking for an export assistant to help you ship from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia (Jakarta), Vietnam (Hanoi) and Cambodia, let DHL Express help you bring your shipments across borders professionally and reliably. The new service range of express cactus and foliage plant export from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia will ensure a good start of international business competitiveness for Thai entrepreneurs.

To ensure you receive accurate information about shipping cactuses to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia, contact our international specialists through Live Chat or call 02 345 5000 (24 hours). 

Read a special interview on how business is spiking for the Thai cactus seller amid a Covid-19 gardening boom, click HERE.

Update: as of 13 July 2021