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Order Your Price Appendix

As a customer of ours, you can use the form below to order price appendix for domestic and international agreements. The price appendices are sent via e-mail as a PDF file.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Company Information

Please enter your customer number

Please enter your company name.

Please enter a contact person.

Please enter your telephone number.

Please enter your Email address.

Domestic Agreement

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

International Agreement

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

If you only want a specific part of your DHL FREIGHT EUROCONNECT agreement, enter the information below:

Please enter a country

Please consider your selection

Please consider your selection

By ticking the box below, I agree on behalf of my company that I am the right person to take part of the price information that is ordered. DHL Freight has no responsibility if the wrong person at my company orders price information.

Please accept the terms and conditions

If you would like to learn more about how DHL uses your personal data, please read our privacy notice

Forms Summary