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Sign Up for Direct Debit

To enroll your DHL Business Account in Direct Debit, please find the form for your bank below. Send complete and signed forms to:

DHL Freight (Sweden) AB

Att: Credit department

SE-170 87 Stockholm


Plusgiro/bank Account

To connect to a Plusgiro/bank account number, complete the “bank account consent” form stating your DHL customer number as the payment number. If you need to connect multiple customer numbers, complete a form for each customer number. 

If you want to connect a Plusgiro account to an autogiro, please state the bank account number that the Plusgiro account is connected to.

Bankgiro Account

To connect to a Bankgiro account, please use the “Bankgiro consent” form. If you need to connect multiple customer numbers, you only need to enter the company’s corporate identity number.