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Empowered Workforces Empower your Business

8 min read
Life coach Raia “Coach” Carey laughs while discussing employee behaviour and expectation changes.

As a life coach, much of my time is spent discussing my clients personal goals. For many entrepreneurs, levelling up a business is a very important goal. Inevitably our conversations turn to scaling, marketing, and advertising – and why not? These are all integral pillars of any thriving business. However, the list is missing an important line item: the human element. I’m talking, of course, about personal goals.

In the current climate, employees are empowered to make decisions about who they choose to work for. Thus, fostering a comfortable and welcoming work environment is crucial for realizing the long-term successes that may come from a consistent, motivated workforce. All businesses are relational, and I strongly suggest that once you’ve combed through your KPIs, CTRs, follows, and email campaigns—once you’re confident in your relationship with your customers—you ask yourself, “how is my relationship with my employees?”

A great place to start when it comes to taking the temperature of your company’s culture are with these four questions:

1) How well do you retain employees?

In today’s labour market, approximately 69% of workers are passively looking for a new job. This means it is incredibly important to not take your employees for granted. It’s crucial to ensure you’re giving everyone a good reason to stay. Once you’ve hired your ideal candidate for any given job, how do you make them want to stay for the long haul? Do you offer trust and responsibility? Respect? Profit sharing? Recognition? Benefits? Time off? Do you offer clear paths to advancement, along with frequent appreciation? Are your long-term team members being promoted? These are all great ways to keep your team motivated, and hand them the schematics for shared success. Once you’ve implemented some of these strategies (if you aren’t already using them), pacing work, checking in with employees you know have experienced increased workflow, and taking pulse surveys are all ways to see how these efforts are paying off.

2) How do you address feelings of burnout?

Every business environment has its moments of stress and burnout. For example, the Holiday season is always going to be overwhelming for retail workers, no matter how well prepared they may be. Similarly, Valentine’s Day will always be a chaotic weekend in the restaurant industry. A simple question to ask yourself is, “What systems do I have in place to address burnout?” Fostering trust in the workplace, and giving your employees a trustworthy place to put their concerns, can greatly expedite recovery. Do you have a feedback system in place? When workers speak out, do they feel supported? Do you have supports in place to reach out when someone falls behind? A little bit of checking in can go a long way toward keeping burnout in check.

3) Is there diverse representation at all levels of your company?

Today’s employees want to feel included, seen, and heard. Fostering diversity and inclusivity at all levels of your business should be a driving force at the forefront of your company’s growth strategy. If employees don’t see themselves at higher levels, they may decide not to stick around. Plus, companies with better representation throughout their corporate structure enjoy better overall performance.

  • 67% of job seekers consider workplace diversity an important factor when considering employment opportunities, and more than 50% of current employees want their workplace to do more to increase diversity.1
  • 78% of employees who responded to a Harvard Business Review (HBR) study said they work at organizations that lack diversity in leadership positions.2
  • Higher representation of women in C-suite level positions results in 34% greater returns to shareholders.3

If your company doesn’t yet have a clear mission statement around Diversity and Inclusion, it’s time to make it a priority. Make sure you’re addressing employee resource gaps and always work to foster a safe, trusting environment where employees feel heard.

4) Do your employees have a good work life balance?

Have you heard the term “work-life balance” a zillion times this past year? Yup. Me too. BUT, it’s necessary that we talk about it. Not only does too much work without any play and rest lead to burnout (remember question #2?), but it’s a key driver in employees actively looking for another job.

As a leader, it’s important that you book one-on-one time with employees to have meaningful check-ins about how they’re doing—not just how their work is coming along, but how they are, outside of work. Fostering a sense of belonging through creative benefits (an afternoon watercolour lesson in the office, or an outing to see a sports game) and work retreats can help to balance out particularly busy weeks and create space for fun and relaxation.

The right questions get the best results

Employee appreciation and retention is an ongoing endeavour, and it isn’t always easy to square your employees’ needs with the immediate needs of your company. However, a little bit of investment in workforce retention will pay dividends in the long run as your employees start to feel ownership over your goals. If you keep the four questions I’ve outlined above in mind, then you’re off to a great start. This just might be the beginning of a beautiful, and lucrative, friendship.

About Raia “Coach” Carey:

As a 3x Certified Life Coach, motivational speaker and a trusted DHL wellness partner, I'm passionate about encouraging others to tap into the confidence they never knew they had. After overcoming various hardships professionally and personally, I was able to transform my mindset and begin a career that empowers others to do the same. By openly sharing my triumphs and tribulations, my vulnerability helps foster a welcoming and safe environment in every room I enter and every person and business I speak to. I strive to inspire and lead those around me by providing unwavering support, guidance, and motivation. By equipping you with tangible tools to implement in your daily life immediately - both personally and professionally - I will steer you towards self-awareness, resilience, and sustainable success.

Learn more about Coach Carey at or on Instagram at @coach.carey