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Please use the links below to download the following updates:

  • Self-label technical specification v5.4
  • SOAP API v 1.0
  • REST API v 1.0
  • Access to the DHL developers portal for the cloud API v1.3.0

These files include the data requirements detailed in the Windsor Framework for shipments moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland.

Please use the links below to download example orders + clearance schemas for Ship and to view the user guide:


Please note that the data requirements are dependent on and will change based on the trade lane movement which you have selected.

The 4 trade lanes are C2C, C2B, B2C and B2B

If the recipient of a shipment is a consumer but the delivery address is a business address, such as their place of work, this will be a 2C movement.

For customers using our self-label or API solutions, you will be asked to provide the code for each shipment which is used to confirm the trade lane movement and is not used to categorise the delivery address. The data requirements will change dependent on the selected trade lane.

Codes to use: C2C, C2B, B2C or B2B

C2C - shipper and recipient are consumers
C2B – shipper is a consumer and recipient is a business
(If shipment is going to a consumer at a business address, for example their work address, this is still a C2C movement)
B2C – shipper is a business and recipient is a consumer
B2B – shipper and recipient are businesses
(If shipment is going to a consumer at a business address, for example their work address, this is still a B2C movement)

Not at risk ‘green lane’ and at risk ‘red lane’ B2B trade lanes

A B2B shipment will be classed as not at risk ‘green lane’ based on the provision of either your UKIMS number (as the shipper) or the UKIMS number for the receiving business. For green lane shipments the simplified H8 dataset will be required.

For at risk ‘red lane’ movements the full H1 international dataset will be required.


UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS)

To move goods on the B2B trade lane that are considered ‘not at risk’ of entering the EU, either the sending or receiving business will need to be authorised under the UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS) and meet the criteria for moving goods under this scheme. You can now apply for authorisation under UKIMS.

Where business to business movements take place using UKIMS, we will act as the declarant submitting a simplified dataset referred to as the H8 dataset.

The holder of the UKIMS number will need to be declared as the importer on record.

Deferment account

If your B2B goods do not qualify under UKIMS and are therefore considered ‘at risk’ of leaving Northern Ireland, a full H1 international dataset will be required for the declaration. ‘At risk’ shipments will also be charged at the applicable European Union (EU) rate of duty.

If you will be shipping ‘red lane’ goods and will move to use a deferment account linked to your NI EORI number for Customs charges, please remember to authorise DHL to apply charges to this account. You will need to state your deferment account number within the shipment data.

Alternatively, if you do not provide your deferment account number we will apply the DHL eCommerce UK deferment account.


The testing environments are available from Monday 13 January 2025. Please see below instructions for each environment.

While we don't need customers to provide evidence of testing for Windsor Framework, we actively encourage all customers to complete their own testing ensuring that all scenarios relevant to your business are included.

1. Self-label technical specification v5.4 – examples of test scenarios are available here:

2. Cloud API v1.3.0 – please access the DHL developers portal and use your current credentials. If you need new credentials, please follow the process on the portal. Examples of test scenarios are on the portal

3. SOAP API v 1.0 and REST API v 1.0 – examples of test scenarios are available here:

Please use the below API Key to access the test APIs listed:

webapitestintegration API access key      a433128b-49f9-4a5a-8359-cd93c56da4ae

  • If you need access, please register at Updates will be made automatically within 24hrs.
  • If you need to update existing accounts, please log in to ‘Business Customer Login’, then click ‘Syncpoint’ to add/update account.
  • If you have forgotten your password, please click on “Business Customer Login” and click “forgotten your password.

For any queries relating to testing for the Windsor Framework, please contact your Account Manager in the first instance.


  • HMRC confirmed on Wednesday 19th March that the go live has been delayed to Thursday 1st May. Shipments despatched prior to Thursday 1st May will be processed as standard domestic parcels.

  • We are not able to accept clearance data until after 02:00 on Thursday 1st May. If you submit clearance data before then, the shipment data will fail and will not be processed.

  • There will be no downtime across any of our systems for the implementation of the Windsor Framework.

  • If you require technical support due to receiving errors following go live only, please contact our Service Desk.

    For all other support queries, please contact your Account Manager.