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How Parcel Connect Works

All you need to get started

Get on Your Way to Europe-Wide Shipping

Getting started with Parcel Connect couldn’t be easier. In six simple steps your DHL advisor will ensure you get the perfect fit for your shipping needs.

Step 1. Working Out What You Need

Your individual requirements are captured and analyzed in a specialized Connect Toolbox, which you can download below.

Step 2. Creating Your ‘Perfect Fit’ Solution

DHL will check the feasibility of your requirements on the lanes you have selected and will provide you with a solution offer.

Step 3. Setting Up And Implementing IT

The implementation phase involves implementing your IT setup, checking your labels and defining your best fit operational setup with the support of DHL experts. At the end of this phase you will receive an approval for your productive access to the Connect network.

Step 4. Testing And Refine For Launch

After releasing your implementation, we will work with you to conduct specific tests of your configuration with DHL.

Step 5. Going Live

After successful testing of your Connect configuration, you can start sending your Connect shipments across Europe.

Step 6. Hypercare Service

DHL offers intensive monitoring of your shipments in the first few weeks after Go Live. Afterwards, you will receive regular reports and can track your shipments via our Track & Trace tools.

Step 1. Download the Connect Toolbox

Begin the first step towards setting up Parcel Connect by downloading the toolbox. You can then work out which modules you need to make your service the perfect fit. 

Download the toolbox here:

Request a Callback

To learn how Parcel Connect could be the perfect fit for your particular business, talk to one of our dedicated e-commerce advisors.  If you like what you hear, they can get you set up quickly and easily.