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Getting started with SKICKA GRÖNT is easier than you think. You do not need a new agreement. Depending on which of our service you use, getting started can be as easy as promoting the service. 

As a corporate customer, SKICKA GRÖNT charges will be confirmed and reported on the invoice.

We also offer emission reports containing the transport emissions that you as a customer have when using our transport services. Your DHL Sales contact can set up this report service for you, just decide what frequency, time interval and what customer ID number or mac code that the report should cover. Your emission report also reports the reduction in CO2 emissions generated by SKICKA GRÖNT.

Below you'll find start up-guides, icons, communication tips and the answers to common questions below.

Start Up Guides For: DHL Parcel Connect International | Domestic E-commerce | Business Transport | DHL Carriers

DHL Parcel Connect International Customers

SKICKA GRÖNT is included in the shipping price for DHL Parcel Connect. This means that you as an e-retailer won't need to implement any technical solutions in your checkout, but only communicate about SKICKA GRÖNT to your customers.

  1. Download the SKICKA GRÖNT icon below 
  2. Add information text (including in your customer's order confirmation) which tells your customer that SKICKA GRÖNT is part of DHL Parcel Connect. See suggested text below. 

Does your customer want to find out more about SKICKA GRÖNT and our sustainability work? Send them a link to visit our SKICKA GRÖNT

Domestic E-commerce Customers

You do not need a new agreement, just follow the steps below on how to add the option SKICKA GRÖNT to your check-out:

  1. Enable the option in your check-out for customers to choose SKICKA GRÖNT.
  2. Download the SKICKA GRÖNT icon below.
  3. Add information text (including in your customer's order confirmation) which tells your customer that SKICKA GRÖNT is part of DHL Parcel Connect. See suggested text below. 
  4. If your customer has chosen SKICKA GRÖNT in your check-out, select the option in connection with the booking for that particular shipment. You may need to confirm with your TA provider that you have the option activated.  If you are using the customer portal myDHLFreight, you can easily book the option SKICKA GRÖNT without any IT integration.
  5. On the customer's invoice, you can also create an added cost line named SKICKA GRÖNT. This way the customer also sees that they have contributed to a more sustainable delivery method. It also appears on the label where the icon for SKICKA GRÖNT is included. 

For more information, contact your regular sales contact or customer service who will help you!

Business Transport Customers

You do not need a new agreement, contact the supplier of your TA system and they will add SKICKA GRÖNT as an option. Here you will find information from some of our TA providers on how to activate the service.

Also feel free to use our icons on your website to highlight your contribution to conversion and fossil-free transport.  We also offer some suggested copy to use on your website or in emails. See below. 

If you use myDHLFreight

In DHL Freight Sweden's customer portal myDHLFreight or “Book Now”, you can easily select the option SKICKA GRÖNT. The option is available when you select "Book a pick-up and create shipping documents" and when you select "Book a pick-up".

Logtrade Users

You will find the option “SKICKA GRÖNT” through the GetAllowableShipmentServices-query when a product which supports this service is selected.


<Description> SKICKA GRÖNT </Description>

<ServiceText>Skicka Grönt</ServiceText>

Centiro Users

The option SKICKA GRÖNT, is called Green Freight by us, you’ll find it with the option code co2.

For more information, contact your responsible salesman or customer service who will help you!

Business Transport Prices

DHL Paket 4 kr 
DHL Paket Export 4 kr 
DHL Stycke 39,20 kr 
DHL Pall 39,20 
DHL Parti – Separate customer agreement required. Contact customer service or your regular sales contact at DHL Freight.

Price is duty free.

DHL Carriers or Transporters

If you are a DHL carrier and you want to become a producer for SKICKA GRÖNT, you are required to undertake to produce an agreed amount of renewable tonne-kilometer with the clean technology / renewable fuels. 

You must also show an economic calculation to point out your additional costs for this current technology and / or fuel.

In 2020 we have used ethanol, biogas and electricity, but it is possible for other renewable fuels and technologies to meet the criteria for SKICKA GRÖNT. 

To get started, send an e-mail to for an initial contact and we will answer your questions and tell you more about the concept.


SKICKA GRÖNT Icons PNGs: Swedish | English | German | French