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e-billing or e-Billing

  • Our e-invoice is an alternative to email and fax. It allows you to have accurate, fast and reliable billing service. There are great benefits associated with the visibility and management of your online financial documents, not just DHL but with any of its suppliers.

    Electronic invoicing is easy to use and requires no training. You can use this system to view new invoices, search archived invoices, and import data directly into your accounting system.

  • Yes. You can view and download them free of charge. To do this you must access or sign-up.

  • Yes. It is not hard to receive your invoices online.

  • Enter the link when you receive email notification. This will take you directly to the DHL e-billing page. You can also view your attached invoice in PDF format.

    View your invoice online.

    Click the download button to import the information into your accounting system.

Customer Service

  •  The DHL Tracking Page gives you real-time information about your shipment.

  • We recommend that you open a DHL account if you make frequent shipments. This option offers you personalized rates based on volume and can pay your invoice monthly. Sporadic customers may pay in cash. Contact

  • In the event that guaranteed delivery has not been made on a timely basis for DHL liability, you must contact the customer service who will manage the issue.

  • In both cases it is important that you report it through customer service  so we can help you.

  • It depends on the transport means intended to ship. Please proceed to our Service Customer Support.

  • This issue will need to be negotiated with the seller. It depends on the type of product you have purchased, of its value, from how the seller has documented them for customs and home country purposes. If Customs imposes a tax or duty on the merchandise, DHL will pay you on your behalf, but you must then pay it even if you do not agree to the delivery of the goods.

  • Of course. DHL has a strong experience in international shipping. Contact the DHL Sales Department to meet your needs.

  • Please note that when shopping online, many of these items do not come from your country. When shipments are not domestic or EU country, items that amount are subject to the payment of taxes and duties in the amount deemed by Customs. Taxes and duties are generally not included in online purchases.

    DHL may pay the Customs for applicable expenses on its behalf when entering the country. This simple process ensures that courier can deliver your purchases as quickly as possible. Please note that we will only deliver your shipment when you have refunded the taxes and duties that DHL has been in advance.

Customer Area

  • I am a new user, what should I do?

    To start using the Client Area you will need to self-register with your email address by entering your assigned client account. Self-registration allows you to enter your account in two ways:

    • Enter the 8-digit account and the province field will autocomplete.
    • Enter up to 6 digits of the account and choose the province to which it belongs.

    I have entered the account but I want to change it after the field has been locked.

    Log out by clicking on the icon with three horizontal lines at the top right of the screen, and you will be able to start the self-registration process with another account.

    Why do you ask me for the company's VAT number in order to finalise the registration?

    You are the first registered user, and by default you will automatically be assigned the administrator profile of that CIF. You will need to enter the account VAT verification code as the following model:


    Where ,

    A = initial letter (if any)

    00000000 = 8 digits. If your CIF has less than 8 digits, please complete it including zeros.

    B = final letter (if any)

    Do not include spaces between characters.

    From that moment on, you can add as many accounts associated to that VAT number as you wish. In addition, you can manage permissions for other users who self-register. In case you wish to view and manage shipments from other CIF accounts, you will need to contact your DHL manager for activation.

    When I registered, I got a warning that there is already an administrator for that account. What does this mean?

    A user associated with that account already exists and, as an account administrator, you must approve your registration request. Once you have handled your request, we will send you a welcome email informing you of the permissions that your administrator has enabled you. If the administrator does not validate your request, you will receive a weekly email reminder within a period of one month from the registration request.

  • I have blocked my username by mistake, how do I get it back?

    You have made more than ten unsuccessful login attempts in a single session. You will be sent an email with a token that allows you to unlock your password.

    I don't get the welcome email.

    There could be several reasons for this: the email has gone to the Spam folder, your administrator has not yet approved your request and you have to wait for your request to be accepted, or the email you entered is invalid, in which case you should contact your DHL Parcel manager.

    I have forgotten / my password has expired.

    Your password is valid for six months. In case you have forgotten it, you can always retrieve it.

  • I have just registered and when I log in I can't see my details.

    Depending on the volume of data in your account, the system needs a time for your upgrade. It is recommended in this case to wait 30 minutes and re-enter this time.

    I want to delete a user and I can't.

    Users can only be deleted by the administrator. If you want to delete or change an administrator user, you should contact your sales manager for that change.

    I see the linked accounts but I can't add any new ones.

    Only the administrator user can add accounts from the same CIF. You can request permission directly from your profile and he/she will have to approve your request. Once your request has been processed, we will send you a confirmation email.

  • How can I customise and configure my views?

    In your first access to the customer area, you will see the default view for DHL Parcel. However, this view is dynamic and this means you can move, delete, and add fields based on your preferences. There are two ways to do this:

    1-Place the cursor over the name of the corresponding field, click (you will see that the field in question is highlighted with a gray shading) and, without releasing the mouse button, move it to the location you are interested in. Click on one of the arrows to sort ascending or descending and the reverse arrow will disappear. Click again and get the reverse order. A third click resets the initial order. To delete a field, click the red x.

    2- Use the icon with the shape of a wheel indicating Configuration on the right-hand side of the field bar. You will find this icon under Shipment Tracking, Shipment Management, Pickup and e-Billing.

    Can I download or email reports with my customised views and selected filters?

    Yes, using the export or share buttons, you can obtain a customised report of selected fields and filters from the different modules of the customer area: Shipment Tracking / Create Shipments / Shipment Management Reports / Pickups / Invoicing.

    How much activity period is shown?

    By default 7 days, although you will be able to consult a history of up to 90 days.

  • Is it only possible to track shipments that have been collected via the website?

    No, all dispatches can be tracked for both Departures and Arrivals, as well as Pickups for all accounts associated with the registered user.

    Why does shipment tracking only show 17 characters in the Reference field?

    Although only 17 characters are displayed in the list, it is possible to search for references up to 35 characters long.

    Can I consult the solutions selected by any user for shipments requiring management?

    Yes, the customer area will allow you to see the type of solution given to your shipments both from the public area of the website and from the customer area, as well as those that may have been processed by DHL Parcel.

    What does in-transit and backordered shipments mean in my domestic shipments?

    • Shipments in transit -> Expected delivery date has not expired
    • EnvĂ­os pendientes –> The scheduled delivery date has expired

    I need to know the status of my outstanding shipment, how can I contact DHL Parcel?

    It is very simple, you will see three points to the right of the shipment so that, with a single click, you can send a query directly to our Customer Service, available for those domestic shipments (Spain and Portugal) whose expected delivery date has expired and do not require prior management on your part.

    Can I download proof of delivery?

    Yes, you will be able to download the delivery vouchers of your departures and arrivals to debits, both from the dispatch details and from the specific delivery vouchers section, with a maximum of 10 vouchers per search.

    Can I download DUAS? (*New in 2022)

    Yes, the DUAs of your shipments to the Canary Islands and International destinations are available in the shipment details.

  • Can I get my customised reports easily and without having to change the filters in each view?

    Yes, through the Reports module you can view, share and download your reports at the click of a button, as each report comes predefined with predefined filters and date ranges.

    The visible fields will be the ones you have configured in your screen view for each module you have access to.

    Only one file can be viewed and/or exported at a time. Instead, you can share up to 6 reports at a time.

    What does each date range in my reports mean?

    Diary: Events generated in shipment tracking or previous day's expected pick-up dates. In the case of pending shipments, all shipments are displayed whose expected delivery date has expired, whether or not it is the previous day's shipment.

    • Weekly: Events generated in tracking shipments or expected pick-up dates from the previous week.
    • Monthly: Events generated in tracking shipments or expected pick-up dates from the previous month.
  • Is it possible to manage incidents of shipments that have already been delivered?

    No, only expedition issues can be managed pending delivery. These shipments will be easily identifiable by means of an identifying icon both in Shipment Tracking and in the detail of the shipment, as well as in the specific section of Shipment Management.

  • Can I request a collection from my home?

    If you don't have a fixed pickup or need an additional pickup, you can always request a pickup at home. Remember that the packages must be properly labeled and provide information about shipments for that collection.

    Can I request a pick-up at a different address than my home address?

    Service only available for DHL Parcel Europlus Domestic product (business to business domestic shipments). You can request a return to your usual address (reverse logistics) or a third party delivery, including an international DHL Parcel Connect Plus delivery.

    I have several collections to make, can I make a bulk upload in the Client Area?

    Yes, you can import your collections at other addresses, check the status of your import files and correct import errors.

    Can I cancel, duplicate or repeat a Collection?

    Yes, from your Collection History, by selecting a specific collection, you can cancel a collection, duplicate the data of a previous collection or repeat a missed collection without having to generate a new one.

  • Can I request an international collection for delivery to my address?

    Yes, this service is only available for the DHL Parcel Connect Plus B2B (business to business) product where the return is to your usual address (reverse logistics).

    In addition, you will be able to access a history where you can view all the international collections requested.

  • I don't have access to the Invoicing menu, how can I view the invoices for my shipments?

    Access to this menu is restricted to authorised users, so you will need to contact your DHL Parcel manager to activate this module or your Administrator, if he/she has access to this module.

    How can I view my invoices?

    Once you enter the invoicing module, you will be able to download the PDF of the invoice issued, and if you click on the hyperlink of the invoice number, you will be able to download the details and concepts of each shipment of that invoice.

    How long are invoices available in my Client Area?

    Invoices will be available for one year.

  • I don't have access to the Create Shipments menu, how can I get permission to generate my shipments?

    Access to this menu is currently restricted to authorised users, so you will need to contact your DHL Parcel manager for activation.

    Can I configure my preferred/default settings?

    Yes, you will need to go to the Create Shipment Settings tab where you can configure your user settings and/or settings for each of the accounts associated with your profile, except for the type of recipient or Service contracted (e-commerce B2C or B2B Business to Business) which is already pre-determined by DHL Parcel.

    I want to send all my shipments always with the same account and sender address, but I have several accounts associated with my profile. Can I mark it as default?

    Yes, we give you the option to configure the account and/or sender address that you want to appear by default in the generation of your shipments by checking the Default box.

    You can also define and predefine the type of packages you use the most and associate a series of Additional Services to all your shipments for each of your accounts.

    How can I transmit my shipment information to DHL Parcel?

    There are two options:

    • Automatic: the transmission of information is sent directly to DHL Parcel.  Default option for B2C e-commerce accounts
    • Manual: you can defer the transmission of your mailing information and generate your own personalised closures or transmissions.  Default option for B2B Business-to-Business accounts.

    In case you want to change your settings, please contact your DHL Parcel manager.

    I forgot to manually close my shipments delivered to DHL Parcel yesterday.

    Don't worry, on a daily basis, we do a sweep of all those shipments with an expected loading date of the day that have not been transmitted to us. This ensures that your shipments are not delayed.

    How can I change the transmission settings of my shipments?

    Please contact us to change your configuration.

    Can I use a different service than the default one for my accounts?

    Yes, you will always have the option to make a B2C e-commerce shipment or a B2B Business to Business shipment, regardless of DHL Parcel's default Service type settings.

    Can I edit, modify or delete my submissions?

    Yes, if the status of your submission is draft or printed. This is not possible if your shipment is completed, i.e. the shipment information has already been transmitted to DHL Parcel

    Can I import a list of shipments to my Client Area?

    Yes, you must first create an import schema, which you can use later on, to relate the fields in your file to those in the application.

    These shipments will be saved as a draft and you must first print the labels for the shipment to be finalised.

  • Can I import my Address Book into my customer area?  (*New in 2022)

    Yes, you must first create an import schema, which you can use later on, to relate the fields in your file to those in the application.

    Can I change the data in my address book?

    Yes, you can modify it directly from your address book in your customer area.

E-pod or Compliant

  • Select Shipment Tracking and “Delivery As Delivered”. You can also get up to 25 One-time Delivery. So you can get Your shipment electronics need to have an account with DHL.

  • There are times when for operational reasons we cannot capture the digitized signature and therefore it is not in the document even though it includes the name of the signed person, as well as the date and time of delivery. When the e-signature is available, the message “Get Signature” is always displayed.

  • When you request multiple delivery forms, you can automatically receive them in a “box” format. Simply select that option. This format allows you to view the details of multiple shipments on a single sheet. Try it!

  • To ensure that the information provided is used for that purpose only: i.e. to confirm that DHL has delivered your shipment.

Request a personalized quote

Looking for a shipping company to make business package shipments? Do you have an e-commerce and search for a logistics partner to ship your products to the Peninsula and/or Europe? Please complete the form below and we will contact you to further learn about our services. 

Complete the form and we will contact you as soon as possible