Press Release: Warsaw, January 22, 2020

DHL Parcel was distinguished in the 47th edition of the Contest on Improvement of Workplace Conditions, organised by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.
The purpose of the contest was to incite to action and promote solutions that improve occupational safety and work conditions. The contest jury showed its appreciation for the signature project of DHL Parcel Polska called "Ergonomics 50+" as part of which a number of measures optimising the conditions of warehouse work were carried out, with special attention given to 50+ employees. Implementation of new solutions was preceded by a professional audit carried out by the OHS and ergonomics experts.
In effect, the warehouse work positions were equipped, among others, with anti-fatigue mats and stand aids, as well as special waist belts that protect the lumbar spine from injuries. What is more, vacuum manipulators were also tested, which aid the employees whilst lifting heavy consignments. Furthermore, numerous instruction and education materials were prepared as part of the project, their aim being expansion of the employees' knowledge about occupational safety.
"The age of a statistical resident is systematically growing in Poland and in the rest of Europe. In effect, a new trend has emerged on the labour market - employers have opened up to mature persons and hire them more willingly within their structures. In DHL Parcel, we have noticed the potential of older employees, and thus the huge value of multi-generation teams long ago.
The "Ergonomics 50+" project for which we received the distinction has been prepared to ensure safe and modern work conditions for people in all ages, with special attention given to the mature personnel," says Paweł Pawlik, director of the OHS Division in DHL Parcel Polska. "I am convinced that by implementing this programme, we have gone far beyond the minimum requirements listed in the current OHS provisions. We are very pleased that our initiative was appreciated by the jury," he adds.