Press release: Warsaw 23.04.2020

Wroclaw is a city where sympathetic dwarfs have established. Their ranks were joined by a new companion - the hardworking courier Deliweriusz. Krasnal delivering shipments can be found on the territory of the DHL Parcel airport terminal, at Bierutowska Street 75.
Dwarfs began appearing on wrocław sidewalks in 2005. Initially, they lived mainly around the Market Square, but over time they began to settle also on private premises and businesses throughout the city. Since April 16, he has also had a DHL Parcel - perky Deliweriusz lived in the premises of the DHL Parcel terminal at ul. Bierutowska 75. It greets everyone near the entrance to the Customer Service Point.
- It's a very nice tradition. Today, i think all dwarfs associate with Wrocław. The idea of creating a DHL dwarf was created during last year's visit to Wrocław by Jerzy Staszelis, vice president of financial affairs and board member of DHL Parcel Polska, from the capital of Lower Silesia. Apparently, dwarfs bring happiness, so everyone liked the idea that we would have our own scrap. We hope that it will ensure the success of both the Wroclaw terminal and the entire company - says Magdalena Bugajło, Director of Communication and PR DHL Parcel.
Krasnal Kurierek is.... registered on the official city service website: The design and execution of the figurine was taken up by the Artistic Foundry from Wrocław.
Deliweriusz – this perky dwarf is well known by all Wrocław residents. Every day he drives around the city in his yellow van and transports shipments. Usually he is in a great hurry, but because he is very sociable, he will always find time to cut himself during work a nice chat with nice people. If you were to once lost, you can safely ask him about the road, because he knows all the addresses in Wrocław perfectly. If you're lucky, it might even take you to the place, making your story more enjoyable. He reportedly served wood for the construction of a castle in Ostrów Tumski. There are also rumors that he personally delivered Panorama Racławicka to Wrocław and brought the to the Centennial Hall. Necessarily ask him about it. The courier is very glad when someone visits him and is very happy to pose for pictures with children, handing them in memory of cheerful yellow balloons.