Press release: Warsaw, 24 April 2020

The Jagiellonian University together with the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow are the organizers of a charity auction of works of art for the University Hospital in Krakow. The logistics partner of this initiative has DHL Parcel.
This project is part of the #UJdlaSzpitala, the first stage of which was the collection of donations for the University Hospital in Krakow. Taken together, donors have close to PLN 2 million. The second stage of the event is online auction, which started on April 22 on the Students, academics and artists associated with the Academy have submitted 208 works in a gesture of solidarity with covid-19 patients and their care staff. You can bid on them until May 6. All proceeds from the sale, as well as funds from the collection, will be credited to the account of the Krakow hospital, which since March 16 acts as a single-name infectious hospital, which means that patients with COVID-19 come here.
Free logistics service of the auction has undertaken DHL Parcel.
- The fact that we can participate in the noble initiative of two prestigious universities such as the Jagiellonian University and the Cracow ASP is a cause for pride for us. We know how important support for hospitals and medical facilities is in the era of the pandemic, so we are keen to engage in initiatives that help healthcare professionals during this difficult time. Since March, we have been delivering protective masks to Warsaw hospitals, and now as a logistics operator of the auction for the University Hospital in Krakow, we will make sure that the auctioned images reach the new owners safely. We keep our fingers crossed that the auction income is as high as possible – says Magdalena Bugajło, Director of Communication and PR DHL Parcel
As the organizers admit, logistical issues were the biggest challenge, so the positive response DHL Parcel to the invitation to participate in the auction was received with great enthusiasm.
- The fact that the DHL Parcel will cover the delivery costs and take care of the entire logistics process is a huge support for us. We know that we have a solid partner who we can fully trust and entrust the delivery of images to the auction participants – stresses Adrian Ochalik, Spokesperson for the Jagiellonian University.
Participating in a charity auction is another gesture DHL Parcel in the fight against coronavirus. As part of the "Warsaw sews masks for medics" campaign, the company has already delivered 27,600 masks to Warsaw hospitals, medical institutions, orphanages, social welfare homes and the capital Caritas, as well as a ton of healthy snacks and honeys to hospitals across Poland.